Wednesday, March 3, 2010

In the Beginning (again)

I started to write about why you need to read me. But I am not really good at selling myself, which is why prostitution was never an option as a career choice. So let me start by telling you about my girls scout meeting yesterday.
First, there is four troop leader with me being the laziest one. There is one leader with that type A personality who takes control of everything. This okay with the rest of us since we have a type C- personality. Works for me since there is no money involved in this. I know most of you are thinking that there should be glory and pride in shaping our girls of the future, but there really isn't. Ideally, if they do something so wonderful that their story gets published in Readers Digest, you would hope they would give a shout out to you. But what if they end up as a crack head? Do you still take credit for that? Hell no. That's her mama's fault.
Anyways, so we always start the meeting with a snack. And by 'snack' I mean a plateful of crap that would normally be used to lure away members from a Weight Watcher's meeting. Not only do they inhale it down, they leave a mess when they come back for seconds. It's can whisper 'come get your snacks' in pig latin and they understand you just fine. But they develop deafness when asked to clean up. This is normally how the meetings start. Then we either have a craft just to make them feel useful, or we have a Q and A session about an upcoming event. This is why I get mad when we tell kids 'There are no such things as stupid question'. No! There is! And if I was in charge of the Q & A session, I would warn them that if they ask stupid questions they would be banned from having a snack. The only proven way to alter their immature behavior is to withhold the snacks. Not breakfast, lunch, or dinner....snacks. Just snacks.
I know you're thinking my negitive attitude belongs in the toilet. But I promise you I always put on a nice fake smile and phoney happy attitude when I am at these meetings. So it's all good. Oh, yeah. I was suppose to talk about my actual meeting yesterday. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. I was just happy to leave 10 minutes early.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of grammatical errors and I don't feel like editing it. But the importance of this message comes across just fine thank you.
