Friday, February 3, 2012

Apple Cidar Vinegar

I started the ACV drink a couple years ago, but never stayed regular with it because of the straight taste/smell. Yeah, I know I KNOW...add some honey, sugar, blah blah blah...but I just got too lazy. I told my friend about it and she has been taking it regularly since because it keeps her healthy, where as before she was always getting sick with something nasty.
But since I started working a 8 hour desk job 2 months ago, my weight is slowly creeping up, even with working out 3 times/week and being fairly healthy in my eating. So I am giving this ACV a try in addition to all the other stuff I am doing to see if my love handles will stop loving me so much.
However, I have been reading these Amazon reviews on Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar and they all sound the same (This stuff cured my dandruff; my face is clearer; heartburn is gone, I no longer spit out fire like a Shanghi dragon; my pants are fitting better; I took it to the middle east and now there is peace there). Seriously, they all sound the same. Not only that, the grammer is the same. I have read enough Amazon reviews to know there are alot of people tht r just too lazy or dumm to rite sentences that are at least acceptable on a third grade level. All the positive reviews have the same good grammer, enthusiasm about the product, and some Heinz bashing as well. I just hope it's all true and it's not some scheme by Braggs to boost their reputation.
I gave the product 3 starts. So why 3 stars from me? The first star is for my friend who claims it keeps her healthy, and she is a hypochondriac. The second star is because I actually like ACV on my food...I just don't like it straight. The third star is because I did drink it today with lots of water and it didn't taste as bad as I remembered it. It tastes like distilled purified water that came from a sewage plant in Bangladash. I know that is confusing because I say I do like ACV on food, but then I get images of Deepak Chopra's childhood neighborhood when I drink it.
With all that said, I promise to drink it every day for the 3 weeks starting Monday. Why Monday? Because this Sunday is superbowl and I plan on drinking lots of alcohol. I will also update at the end of the 3 weeks and let you know if my love handles have dumped me.

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